Baylor Medical | Kusser Graniteworks

Baylor Medical

Baylor Medical 1
Baylor Medical 2
Baylor Medical 2
Baylor Medical 3
Baylor Medical 6

Entry Courtyard Fountain, Dining Fountain

Kusser provided two water features for the Baylor Medical Center; a rectangular Entry Courtyard fountain and a rectangular Dining fountain. The Entry Courtyard fountain is surrounded with river rocks up to the custom stainless steel stone retainer at the waters edge. The basin containes eleven aerating nozzles that produce 4ft spray water heights, each illuminated by a LED ring light fixture. The Dining fountain basin has a granite veneer and contains ten custom scuppers spilling into the basin below. Each scupper is illuinated by niche mounted LED light fixture.


Project Details

Entry Courtyard Fountain: 55-ft L x 10-ft W x 1-ft 9 in H; Dining Fountain - 59-ft L x 9-ft 6-in W x 1-ft 9-in H
HKS Architects
Waxahachie, TX
prime contractor:
MEDCO Construction
Baylor Healthcare System
landscape architect:
Talley Associates

Other Fountains

Any questions?

KUSS Portrait Maxi Alls 1c 2411 2
Maximilian Alls
Sales Engineer

When you speak with Maximilian Alls, you’re consulting with a true expert in his field. As a civil engineer and trained stonemason, he knows our products inside and out. He looks forward to your inquiry and working together on future projects.