Fountain group in Tittling Granite | Kusser Graniteworks

Fountain group in Tittling Granite

Kusser Fontaenenfeld Beleuchtet Pfaffenhofen An Der Ilm
Kusser Fontaenenfeld Pfaffenhofen An Der Ilm
Kusser Fontaenenfeld Pfaffenhofen An Der Ilm 3

For the fountain group in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm slabs of Tittlinger granite with expressive fine white veins were especially selected. With this fountain group the water was returned to an external reservoir via a surrounding channel.


Project Details

City of Pfaffenhofen on the Ilm
8 x 8 m
Immich architects, München
Pfaffenhofen on the Ilm
Andreas Sobeck, Bildhauer

Used natural stones

Preview Tittlinger Feinkorn Sandgestrahlt

Tittling Fine Grain, sandblasted

Fountain slabs
Trade name: Tittling Fine Grain
Petrographic name : Granite
Quarry: Hoehenberg Quarry, Bachstraße 27, 94104 Tittling, Germany
Coordinates: 13.366° E / 48.744° N (WGS 84)
Typical colour: light grey
Visual appearance:

fine/medium-grained; appears with white, partially also differently coloured veining of differing widths and shapes as well as darker inclusions in various sizes and streaks

Any questions?

G Fraunberger
Gert Fraunberger
Sales Manager Fountains, Project Manager

When it comes to fountain systems, Gert Fraunberger is your man. He will be able to give a quick answer to virtually any questions you might have on the subject of water and stone. The best idea is to get in touch with him right away.