Castle Neuhaus | Kusser Graniteworks

Castle Neuhaus

Kusser Fussgaengerbruecke Schloss Neuhaus
Kusser Fussgaengerbruecke Schloss Neuhaus 2
Kusser Fussgaengerbruecke Schloss Neuhaus 3

Built in 1952 and severely damaged by flood waters in 2013, the bridge to the Maria-Ward-Realschule school in Castle Neuhaus has been replaced by a flood-safe post tensioned granite bridge, whose steel railings can be quickly disassembled in case of flooding and then reassembled afterwards. Despite being only 30 cm thick, the bridge was designed so that supply vehicles and emergency vehicles up to 20 t can drive over it. Almost 700 people cross the bridge daily to reach the listed ensemble on the island on the Inn river.


Project Details

28,9 m x 3,5 m x 30 cm (threepart)
Neuhaus am Inn
Wagmann Ingenieure (Objekt- & Tragwerksplanung)
Dibt Siegel En

Used natural stones

Preview Tittlinger Feinkorn Sandgestrahlt

Tittling Fine Grain, sandblasted

Trade name: Tittling Fine Grain
Petrographic name : Granite
Quarry: Hoehenberg Quarry, Bachstraße 27, 94104 Tittling, Germany
Coordinates: 13.366° E / 48.744° N (WGS 84)
Typical colour: light grey
Visual appearance:

fine/medium-grained; appears with white, partially also differently coloured veining of differing widths and shapes as well as darker inclusions in various sizes and streaks

Preview Tittlinger Feinkorn Geschliffen

Tittling Fine Grain, honed

Trade name: Tittling Fine Grain
Petrographic name : Granite
Quarry: Hoehenberg Quarry, Bachstraße 27, 94104 Tittling, Germany
Coordinates: 13.366° E / 48.744° N (WGS 84)
Typical colour: light grey
Visual appearance:

fine/medium-grained; appears with white, partially also differently coloured veining of differing widths and shapes as well as darker inclusions in various sizes and streaks