Ruhrvorland urban district | Kusser Graniteworks

Ruhrvorland urban district

Kusser Fussgaengerbruecke Radwegbruecke Ruhrvorland Herdecke
Kusser Fussgaengerbruecke Ruhrvorland Herdecke
Kusser Radwegbruecke Ruhrvorland Herdecke

For improved safety, the high-traffic Ruhrtal bicycle path was separated from the pedestrian path when the Ruhr wetlands were reconfigured. The two paths cross the Herdecker stream on separate prestressed granite bridges. The transition between the city, river, and wetlands defines the character of the new Ruhrvorland Herdecke urban district, about 10 ha in size.

Low-maintenance, near-natural meadows provide a counterweight to the intensive designs of the recreational areas and public walkways.


Project Details

l: 16 m and 12 m, slab thickness: 38 cm and 26 cm
Andreas Hasenkamp
Dibt Siegel En

Used natural stones

Preview Tittlinger Feinkorn Sandgestrahlt

Tittling Fine Grain, sandblasted

Trade name: Tittling Fine Grain
Petrographic name : Granite
Quarry: Hoehenberg Quarry, Bachstraße 27, 94104 Tittling, Germany
Coordinates: 13.366° E / 48.744° N (WGS 84)
Typical colour: light grey
Visual appearance:

fine/medium-grained; appears with white, partially also differently coloured veining of differing widths and shapes as well as darker inclusions in various sizes and streaks

Preview Tittlinger Feinkorn Geschliffen

Tittling Fine Grain, honed

Trade name: Tittling Fine Grain
Petrographic name : Granite
Quarry: Hoehenberg Quarry, Bachstraße 27, 94104 Tittling, Germany
Coordinates: 13.366° E / 48.744° N (WGS 84)
Typical colour: light grey
Visual appearance:

fine/medium-grained; appears with white, partially also differently coloured veining of differing widths and shapes as well as darker inclusions in various sizes and streaks