Garden bridge | Kusser Graniteworks

Garden bridge

Kusser Teichbruecke Koi Teich
Kusser Teichbruecke Koi Teich 3
Kusser Teichbruecke Koi Teich 2
Kusser Teichbruecke Koi Teich 5

The pond bridge made from post tensioned granite, which spans a koi carp pond in a private garden, is over 3 m long, but only 5 cm thick.


Project Details

305 x 80 x 5 cm
private garden
landscape architect:
Wendland, Pötter, Kriebelt

Used natural stones

Preview Tittlinger Feinkorn Sandgestrahlt

Tittling Fine Grain, sandblasted

Base, sides
Trade name: Tittling Fine Grain
Petrographic name : Granite
Quarry: Hoehenberg Quarry, Bachstraße 27, 94104 Tittling, Germany
Coordinates: 13.366° E / 48.744° N (WGS 84)
Typical colour: light grey
Visual appearance:

fine/medium-grained; appears with white, partially also differently coloured veining of differing widths and shapes as well as darker inclusions in various sizes and streaks