Floating Ring | Kusser Graniteworks

Floating Ring

Kusser Schwimmender Ring 285 Cm
Kusser Schwimmender Ring 285 Cm 2

Project Details

own design
Ring-Ø 2.83 m x 70 cm, base: 2.80 m x 1.69 m x 57 cm
Aicha vorm Wald

Used natural stones

Preview Tittlinger Grobkorn Geschliffen C120

Tittling Coarse Grain, honed

Floating ring
Trade name: Tittling Coarse Grain
Petrographic name : Granite
Quarry: Hoehenberg Quarry, Bachstraße 27, 94104 Tittling, Germany
Coordinates: 13.364° E / 48.745° N (WGS 84)
Typical colour: faintly yellow, greyish-white
Visual appearance:

coarse-grained; appears with white, partially also differently coloured veining of differing widths and shapes as well as darker inclusions in various sizes and streaks

Preview Tittlinger Grobkorn Gestockt

Tittling Coarse Grain, bush-hammered

Base stone
Trade name: Tittling Coarse Grain
Petrographic name : Granite
Quarry: Hoehenberg Quarry, Bachstraße 27, 94104 Tittling, Germany
Coordinates: 13.364° E / 48.745° N (WGS 84)
Typical colour: faintly yellow, greyish-white
Visual appearance:

coarse-grained; appears with white, partially also differently coloured veining of differing widths and shapes as well as darker inclusions in various sizes and streaks

Any questions?

KUSS Portrait Maxi Alls 1c 2411 2
Maximilian Alls
Sales Engineer

When you speak with Maximilian Alls, you’re consulting with a true expert in his field. As a civil engineer and trained stonemason, he knows our products inside and out. He looks forward to your inquiry and working together on future projects.